About our lab

We are a lab group consisting of graduate trainees and summer students working under the supervision of Dr. Doyle-Baker at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

The Doyle-Baker works with many colloborators and partners.  For example check out the  Built Environment and Healthy Living lab (https://www.behealthylivinglab.com) under current projects. Or the Sports Injury Research Prevention Centre (SIRPC), or the O’Brien Institute for Public Health  or  the Alberta Children Hospital Research Institute for Child and Maternal Health (ACHRI). These are all centres or institutes that trainees work or are funded by.

The lab focuses on female and athlete health and performance. Specifically how the menstrual cycle may influence the athlete’s performance. IMG_9545 2

We like to have fun in our and lab and not always take ourselves too seriously. Check out our video at the end of the post  re: Why Dr. Doyle-Baker loves her job.  https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6939273390943846400/

We know Dr. DB  loves the outdoors and anything and everything to do with health and sport in kids, and university students! 


 Webs and Blogs

Check out her profile and blogs… and sometimes she puts a poem in her writing and presentations. Here’s one she did for a panel presentation on the concept related to Nature Deficit.

“In your neighbourhood how many trees can you see and how many caterpillars land at your feet? Does the incline in your yard make you roll and does the tree behind the deck substitute as a climbing pole? Will physical activity become erased, if we all move to that suburbia place? Should you track your exercise with a pedometer or maybe it should be an accelerometer? Oh, what the heck, just get GPS, because it stands for all you need, green places and spaces.”

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